Monday, 17 October 2011


Strange as it may seem but there are signs of Stalin’s ‘useful idiots’ at large in the world today, and not least in Northern Ireland.  They are also deeply embedded within the church.  They are being controlled by the ‘higher powers’ to do their bidding.  The term was used by Stalin to describe Soviet sympathisers in the Western countries.  Joseph Stalin had, as one of his most ‘useful idiots,’ a man called Walter Duranty. 

Duranty was a correspondent, the Moscow bureau chief of the New York Times, Pulitzer Prize winner, and a Stalin apologist, who lived in America.  He was the means of spreading dangerous propaganda in the West with a view to popularising communistic ideals.  His sympathy for Stalinism was well known, as was his being ‘economical with the truth.’  Resorting to outright deception in order to pursue their goals caused him no pangs of conscience.

But what characterises ‘useful idiots’ today?  Several things. 

First, they are being used by the ‘higher powers’ for the promotion of sinister agendas.  These may well be satanic. 

Second, while some know they are being used by others and willingly fall into line, very often others are totally unaware that this is happening, and would deny any such thing.  ‘Gullible’ seems to be an apt description of such people. 

Third, they imagine, wrongly, that they are pursuing what is good and right, when all the while they are falling into the trap set for them by their masters, and pursuing a destructive course.  They are tunnel-visioned individuals who are unable to ‘see the wood for the trees’; they cannot see the damage they are doing, and even when the potential damage is pointed out to them, they don’t care; and with such an attitude, they are giving their enemies a field day.  Think how Gospel haters oppose the preacher, and believe that they are working in the best interests of the church/congregation. 

Fourth, they not only place themselves in jeopardy, but by their intrigue, cause others to follow them into ruin.  How often ‘sheep’ will follow one who sets him/herself up as a leader!  Soon the lead ‘sheep’ has drawn all the other sheep that are foolish enough to go after them out of the fold.

Fifth, they imagine that they are liked and supported by their masters while in reality they are utterly despised by them.  These foolish blind leaders and followers of the blind believe they are popular, but time will tell just how foolish they really are.

Sixth, when their masters have secured their evil purposes, they drop them like hot potatoes.  How often this has happened in the past!  If their masters think that their association with their pawns will cost them in one way or other, they will drop them immediately.

Seventh, before they finish their work for their masters, they have succeeded in dismantling everything good that they touch, leaving the beneficiaries of that good utterly dejected.  We have yet to see the results of this.

Sadly, ‘useful idiots’ are as evident today as they were in Stalin’s day.  They are found in every community, class, creed, grouping, organisation, lodge, church, whatever.  They are there!  Such people usually are not suspected by their close friends of being ‘agents’ of some higher malignant power.  Double agents are adept at hiding their true identity.

So how do you recognise them?  It’s quite simply, really.  “You will know them by their fruits,” (Mt.7:15, 16, 20).  The Scriptures make it very plain what to look for.  Look at the results of their work, their activities, and you will see clearly what these people are.  Their fruits identify them very clearly.  Watch and see what is happening before your eyes, recognise what they are doing, and then you will be able to identify these ‘double agents.’ 

Are they involved in scheming against a servant of Christ?  Do they plan against the work of the Gospel?  Are there clandestine meetings to dislodge a Gospel minister?  “You will know them by their fruits,” says Jesus.

They might try to hide whose bidding it is they are doing, but they cannot hide their role in it; and they are almost certain to deny any such involvement with these ‘shadowy characters.’  They will even try to convince the gullible (and will succeed with many) that their line of action is for the wider good, but the discerning will not be taken in by their subterfuge.  And those who protect them will also see them for what they are, while they themselves will be seen for the fools they are!  Remember, satans’ working is always from the shadows, from the dark places, where there is an absence of light.  These are tricky people to handle; they are devious, calculating and conniving.  They manipulate their ‘prey,’ and leave them open to allegations.

So, keep you eyes wide open and observe what is happening around you; try to discern the trends and trace the similarities in the ‘odd’ things that are happening; and then tell me that I’ve got it all wrong!

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