The stirring words of Bishop Nicolas Ridley's, and his remarkable testimony, should serve as an urgent warning to
all Christians every where, and not least at the present time, NEVER to drop our guard against the wiles
of the devil that present themselves in the guise of Roman Catholic piety and ecumenism!
Whilst protesting against involvement with the Roman Catholic Church
outside an ecumenical event some years ago, one of the senior leaders
remarked to one of the protesters, "Oh, are you still fighting that old battle!?" He was referring to the involvement of the Protestant churches in this ecumenical event, and he viewed that battle as having been finished centuries ago. The Reformation was obviously a tragedy in his view, but the modern day churches, which have no sense of history or of true biblical religion, no sense of truth or error, see this as a non-event. How utterly foolish they are!
It is true that the Protestant/Evangelical churches have largely capitulated in the battle and surrendered to Rome, whereas Rome has not surrendered one iota! She is still engaged in her 'charm offensive' with the protestant churches, and they do not even see what is happening.
As someone very wisely stated, "We must NEVER capitulate, Never give up the fight! Proclaim the Gospel of Salvation by Faith through Grace!" It must be a resolute and determined "No Surrender" to ecumenism in all its forms, and not least in the fight against unbiblical ecumenism as manifested in the modern ecumenical relations with that false religion that is called Romanism.
The mainline so-called "Protestant" churches in the UK must be awakened to their error which is being constantly buttressed by evangelicals of the reformed outlook. These good brethren will defend their churches at all costs, even at the cost of denying the true Gospel. They have become 'firm's men' and will not allow any criticism of the 'firm' from any quarter. In so doing, of course, they are giving undying credibility to the false ecumenism that their churches are involved in.
Brethren AWAKE! AWAKE! before it is forever too late. Get involved in costly church reform. Preaching the everlastring Gospel is crucial in this battle; but to preach the Gospel without attempting to apply it to church practice and policies is a denial of that Gospel. I hear nothing today of any such reform movement within or even outside the ecumenical churches; and these churches can only go down that road because they are at heart thoroughgoing liberal churches. Kill the mother (theological liberalism) and the child (unbiblical ecumenism) will die a death.
Are you up for it?
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