Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Calvin Celebrated

Coming soon is this new book from the pen of Dr Alan C Clifford, minister of Norwich Reformed Church. This clearly written and research-based biography of the great French Reformer has been awaited with eagerness by those who know Dr Clifford's other works on authentic Calvinism, in which he ably demonstrates how the later Calvinists have departed from the real John Calvin in their theological formulations, and in so doing, do despite to the memory of the Reformer, and to his legacy.

Clifford believes that Moise Amyraut is the true interpreter of Calvin, and he, along with the reformed ministers who received their theological training at the Saumur Academy in France, are to be identified as Calvin's true sons. Indeed, as Clifford indicates, Calvin is the true 'prototype' of the Huguenots, or French protestants who suffered so painfully for their faith, especially under the reign of Louis XIV. His chapter on Amyraut may come as something of a surprise to those who do not see the Saumur professor as standing in Calvin's line, but the fact that Clifford places him there should be a reason to get this book and read what the author has to say.

Indeed, when Amyraut was being charged with heresy by other reformed theologians, he was acquitted at the Synod of Alencon in 1637, the reason being that had they condemned Amyraut for his teaching, which the ultra-orthodox viewed as erroneous, they would also have been condemning Calvin. Why? Because Amyraut defended his theological position by numerous appeals to the teaching of Calvin.

The book also treats Amyraut contemporary and life-long friend, Jean Daille, the French Reformed Churches D. M. Lloyd-Jones, the little known French reformed martyr Fulchran Rey, Claude Brousson, and Antoine Court.

The book ends with a Reformed liturgy and an explanation of the symbolism of the Huguenot Cross.

The 168 pages of this paperback are filled with interesting insights into Calvin and his true sons. Whoever reads and studies this book will benefit not only from gaining an accurate historical perspective on the reformer and his sons, but will experience a real spiritual and theological treat.

Details below.


The Genevan Reformer
and His Huguenot Sons

A Contribution to the John Calvin Quincentenary1509-2009


Alan C. Clifford

Charenton Reformed Publishing

AVAILABLE 1 June 2009

Pbk 168 pages Price: £9.95 (£11.00 inc. p&p)

Published in Great Britain 2009
Charenton Reformed Publishing
8 Le Strange Close, Norwich NR2 3PN

ISBN 978-0-9555165-3-5