"Suddenness is the wrapping paper in which sovereignty
sometimes arrives." So wrote Dr Dale Ralph Davis in his commentary
on 1 Kings (p.273).
When trials come to us suddenly, we often respond, "Well,
that's all I need now." Plans are altered. Careers shattered.
Families devastated. Lives threatened.
Yet for the Christian, God, in His sovereignty, arrives with us in
ways that are guaranteed to get our attention. We are made to think, to ponder,
to ask questions, even at times to doubt. But it also drives us on our
knees in prayer to the only One Who can hear and help us.
Someone very wisely said, "When
trouble drives us to our knees before God, it does more good than harm."
How true. And how delightful it
was to hear **** saying yesterday that she never thought she would ever
find herself thanking God for her cancer.
Why is this? Because it has
brought her to a closeness to Christ that she never had before. She thanks God for working in her in this
way, for the spiritual benefits she has received are innumerable. She spoke of the peace that she enjoys
everyday – the peace of God. For her,
peace and joy are linked intimately with Christ and her relationship with
Him. This is as it should be.
It is when we are facing trouble that we get to know God best of
all. "When trouble puts us on our
backs, the only way we can look is up." This has been the indescribable joy that we
have experienced over these past months – the joy and delight in being able to
come into the presence of the holy and loving God, and to talk to Him. Looking up to the Lord as our only Helper has
been deeply satisfying. And do you know
what it has done for us? It has created
in us an independence of circumstances and people that has given us the
greatest freedom we have ever known. Just
think what heaven will be like if we can have a foretaste of it here and now!
God is sovereign, and we cannot understand why He does some
things, nay, many things. We have to "walk
by faith not by sight" if we are to make any sense of what happens to
us. Knowing that God knows the end for
the beginning is the greatest comfort to us.
When we cannot see where we are going, how good it is to walk with
Someone Who does.
You have known the suddenness of divine intrusions into your life.
So have we. It can change everything. New priorities are set.
The truly important things get top place. Everything else is put
way down the list. And God gets top
And it is then that God comes into His own and we see things about
Him that were there all the time, but we did not stop long enough to see them. How we impoverish ourselves by not staying
long enough in His gracious presence.
How we deprive our lives by only ‘filling up’ for a moment. To hear **** singing (privately, I must
add) those lovely words, “And I shall see
Him face to face, And tell the story, ‘Saved by grace.’” Just think what hearing this does to one’s
soul. To hear that deep personal
assurance of salvation coming from a believer’s heart, is wonderful. To know that she knows where she is going when
the Lord calls her, is the greatest comfort imaginable. It is “to
be absent from the body but present with the Lord.”
Stop, sit, wait, meditate, think, ruminate, drink it all in.
That's what God is calling His people to do. To give Him priority
in their lives. And when we do that, God
blesses in ways that we could never imagine.
All praise must go to the Lord for his numerous and wonderful
answers to your prayers. Having just had
her second chemotherapy last Wednesday, and knowing now what to expect, she is
in brilliant form. The last three days
have been really good, with only the most minor of annoyances (and I’m not
talking about me!!!). Her mouth is a bit
sore and food tastes different from what it ought to be; but apart from that
she is very well.
Now, this cannot be put down to **** or to me or even to
you. But it can and must be put down to
the Lord’s graciousness to her in answer to your prayers. Friends, never doubt that God answers your prayers. He does.
She dreaded the sickness that often accompanies chemo, and she has not
had any. Yes, she has tablets to take to
control sickness, and in answer to your prayers, God has made them very effective. We prayed that the Lord would send ‘sweetness’
along with the chemo – and He did that too.
And why? Because that’s just the
kind of God He is.