DML-J gave the church what is perhaps the best definition of preaching to be found anywhere. He defined it thus:
"Preaching is theology coming through a man who is on fire."
This definition highlights several important characteristics of true preaching.
First, it has to be theological. That does not mean that preaching can be reduced to a theological lecture masquerading as a sermon - far from it. But it does require that all true preaching must be theological, biblically theological not scholastically theological. It must be based on what the Word teaches us about God.
Second, preaching is done by a man, and not just any man. It is done by a redeemed man, by a man who has felt the power of true preaching and been brought to repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. How can an unredeemed man preach Christ and Him crucified? He cannot.
Third, it is to be done by a man who is on fire for God and His Gospel. True preaching can only be done by a man to whom and in whom something revolutionary has happened, a changed and transformed man who, when he comes to the Word, is deeply affected by its power. It can only be done by a man who is consumed by the truth of God, by the Gospel, by love for Christ and love for the perishing souls of men. Preaching is only possible for a man driven with zeal for the glory of God, and who believes that God is glorified in the salvation of sinners. Apart from this, no man can preach.
This is where a true understanding of the Gospel is essential. If a man believes and is convinced that only the elect will be saved and that they will be infallibly saved because they have been predestined to eternal life, then such a man will have no zeal for God because his belief is a form of determinism that removes the need for consecrated human effort in the work of evangelism. It does not matter what a man 'preaches,' God will save His elect.
Of course it is true that it is God Who saves sinners; but He has ordained the means whereby they will enter personally into that salvation. And it is not by determining beforehand whether or not he is one of the elect. It is by realising that he is a lost and condemned sinner who has no hope of eternal life apart from Christ Jesus, and by casting himself at His mercy and trusting Him to save him. Remember, it is faith and not predestination that lies at the very heart of the Christian Gospel. And it is faith in Christ alone that brings salvation.
So true preaching, preaching worthy of the name, can only be done by a redeemed man who is theologically aware and taught and who is on fire for the Lord. If a man is not burning for Christ, then he will set no one else on fire for Him.
Pray that God will raise up men who are on fire for Christ and the Gospel, and whose desire it that sinners might be saved. Only such a man will have passion in his preaching, and be a burning and shining light for Christ in this dark world of sin. And let me say this: no intelligent and informed Christian will sit under any other kind of preaching, because such a man places the church far above the Gospel.
Are you such a man?