Below, as promised, are details of the first of the reformed books that are being offered for your instruction and attention.
This book, written by Rev. Dr Alan C Clifford, minister of Norwich Reformed Church, sets out, in unambiguous terms, the teaching of the great Genevan reformed, John Calvin (1509-1564), regarding the extent of the atonement, surely the central doctrine of the Christian reformed faith, the Gospel.
Allowing the trusted and respected reformer to 'speak for himself,' Dr Clifford extracts those statements from Calvin's Institutes, his commentaries, his sermons, and others of his writings, to demonstrate what he believed and preached, about the atonement.
This book is highly recommended to my readership, and will repay careful study; all references can be checked by consulting Calvin's own writings.
Ministers of the reformed churches are especially encouraged to buy and read this dynamic book, and to take the biblical teaching of Calvin on board, especially when preaching evangelistically. Christians who wish to be informed about the reformer's beliefs about the atonement are also urged to buy and read this book.
The discoveries demonstrated in the book will liberate preachers from the bondage of men, and give added power to their evangelism. If you really want to see the world won for Christ, this is the book that will drive you in that direction.
Authentic Calvinism
A Clarification
Alan C. Clifford
This book explores the hotly
debated question: did John Calvin teach limited atonement? Selected extracts from his writings allow the
sixteenth-century Genevan reformer to speak for himself on this and closely
related subjects such as the free offer of the gospel, the breadth of God’s
love and the availability of grace. The
reader is then able to decide whether Amyraldianism is a deviant theology or -
as the seventeenth-century French theologian Moïse Amyraut claimed - a
reaffirmation of authentic Calvinism.
First published over a decade ago, this second edition evaluates more
recent scholarship. The highly
controversial issues in question continue to command the attention of
theologians and others involved in regular pastoral ministry. Clearly, such matters still await a valid
verdict. It is the author’s view that
the authentic biblical legacy of John Calvin challenges the ‘confessional
correctness’ of Westminster Confession ‘Owenite’ orthodoxy.
Dr Clifford is currently pastor of the Norwich Reformed Church, England
When ordering this product, lease quote TRF.HL.CAL
ISBN 978-0-9555165-1-1 64pp £4. 95 (P&P extra).
Preface to the First
Preface to the Second
Notes to the Introduction
The Sources
Extracts from John Calvin's
Appendix I: Critique of Roger Nicole
Appendix II: Critique of Jonathan Rainbow
Appendix III: Critique of lain
Summary Statement
Review Extracts
Summary Statement
THE advantages of
should now be clear that the traditional two-cornered contest between Calvinism
and Arminianism is an inadequate portrayal of the issues. Not only should Amyraldianism be seen as a
‘referee’; it also qualifies as the most persuasive challenger in a
three-cornered contest. To make matters
even clearer, the so-called Calvinist (or really High Calvinist)
contender should really be named ‘Owenism’.
Accordingly we may conclude that ‘Owenites’ face awkward questions.
First, if a universal gospel offer is to be made, what
precisely is on offer if not a universally-available redemption?
Second, if Christ died only for the elect, does it not
become necessary for enquirers to discover their election before they
come to Christ?
Third, what are the non-elect guilty of rejecting if
nothing was ever offered to them?
Amyraldian or Authentic Calvinist position possesses five advantages:
First, it provides an object lesson on how to avoid extreme
reductionist hermeneutics. Theory is
ever to be the servant, not the master, of the textual data.
Second, it enables us to accept plain statements of
Scripture as they are without forcing them into a theological mould, e.
g. ’world’ = ’the world of the elect’ (as Owen maintains). How can Owenites criticise Roman Catholics
and the cults for tampering with the text when they do likewise?
Third, in keeping with God’s plain declarations, it
proclaims a universal compassion for the world without unwarranted
restrictions. Thus the Owenite tendency
to produce clinically-clear heads and callously-cramped hearts is reduced. Sadly, not all Owenites are like Whitefield
and Spurgeon whose compassion arguably exceeded their creed.
Fourth, it is, in the best biblical sense,
conciliatory. As has been noted, Ralph
Wardlaw considered that High Calvinism provided too easy an excuse for the
Arminians to reject true Calvinism.
Fifth, without prying into the profundities and
complexities of God’s inscrutable sovereign purposes, it enables us to pursue
an uninhibited mission of mercy to a lost world. We leave the results to God. While faith is evidence of election, present
unbelief is not necessarily proof of non-election. There is always hope for everyone we proclaim
Christ to.
First Edition Review Extracts
This book reflects the author’s conclusions about
Calvinism through his doctoral studies.
He explores the hotly-debated issue of whether Calvin taught limited
atonement. In the light of this, he
examines the validity of interpretations of Calvinism made by subsequent
theologians, particularly that of the French pastor Moïse Amyraut (1596-1664).
... After the introduction comes the focal point of the book: a selection of 90
extracts from the writings of John Calvin, directly expounding his views on the
extent of the atonement. It is wonderful
to have set before you a collection of quotations from Calvin’s writings on
this subject, which allow the reformer to speak for himself. This whole section is written without
comment, leaving the reader to decide where Calvin really stood. ... Whatever
one’s opinions about ‘authentic Calvinism’, one would have to admit that Dr
Clifford writes authoritatively and convincingly on a subject with which he is
thoroughly acquainted and has extensively researched. ... [The] content is
thought-provoking and stimulating, and challenging reading, especially for all
who claim to be ‘authentic’ Calvinists!
KATHY CHILDRESS, Evangelicals Now
According to God’s revealed will or intention the
death of Christ is universal in its scope, but conditional upon the human
response; according to his secret will or decree it is restricted in its scope
but absolute and unconditional. Thus
Calvin affirms both a conditional salvation made available to all and
an efficacious, unconditional salvation given to the elect alone. It is this antinomy the author claims, rightly
in my view, that makes sense of the diverse statements that Calvin makes on the
subject. ... The debate about Calvin’s teaching on the intent of the atonement
looks set to run and run. Those who in
future turn their minds to it will not be able to ignore this volume and will
especially be grateful for the opportunity to review the wide range of Calvin
material which is gathered together in the core of the book.
TONY LANE, Evangelical Quarterly
The great value of the book is the way in which the
overall argument is related to Calvin’s writings. ... Some authors give only
sections of what Calvin wrote, some are historically selective, others give
only one emphasis and leave the drift of the whole for the reader to search
out. The author has done a fine job in
rectifying that problem by presenting his arguments holistically. ... It must
be said, and it is inevitably so, that the arguments are often subtle, all are
closely argued, and at times, some can be philosophically quite sophisticated.
... However, despite the nature of the discussion, and the enormous literature
generated, this book is a model of clarity and perspicacious
argumentation. It is demanding, by its
nature, but careful and diligent reading will give even the near novice a fine
introduction to the whole issue. It is a
valuable work in the continuing debate.
Whether or not it will fulfil the author’s wish that these issues ‘will
now be settled once and for all’ remains to be seen, but it will deserve a
serious reply from opponents. If Dr
Kendall set the cat amongst the pigeons then Dr Clifford continues to rattle
the reformed cage. Let the reader read
and discern.
JOHN F. DUNN, English Churchman
Dr Clifford’s scholarship is undoubtedly detailed, but
his hope of settling the controversies in this volume presumably depends on the
assumption that readers will have perused his more detailed study on Atonement
and Justification. ... Note: 1996 is the 400th anniversary of the birth of
Moïse Amyraut, whose authentic Calvinist credentials Clifford is anxious to
reassert in this piece.
This is an unusual book but it debates an
all-too-familiar field. ... Clifford’s claim that Calvin makes
universal-sounding statements too strong to reconcile with Owen’s approach
seems formidable. Equally it suggests
that whilst Calvin’s work predates the classical differences between parties in
the Reformed tradition, the subject was not quite as alien to the great
Reformer as we might think. A surprising side benefit of the study also shows
that Calvin was a missionary at heart and advocated personal evangelism. ...
The author supplies a spirited introduction defending Amyraut and his
successors, who challenged the seventeenth-century Calvinist ‘high orthodoxy’
with its belief in limited atonement. It
is some time since Amyraut found an advocate, but the case presented here is
more than worthy of such a distinguished figure. The argument will certainly rumble on yet,
but all parties will have to take account of this little but forceful book.
ROY KEARSLEY, Scottish Bulletin of Evangelical