Tuesday 11 October 2011

God Gives The Increase.

In the work of evangelism, God's people are fired with the expectation of great things happening; and that's as it should be!  We go into this work expecting God to move by His Spirit in the hearts of poor lost souls.  This is what we pray for, long for, and hope for.  Our trust is in the Lord of hosts.  The love in our hearts for the lost drives us to go out and tell them the Gospel message. Remember, Jesus told His disciples to GO into all the world and preach the Gospel, and one possible reason for this command is because unregenerate sinners will not come to where the Gospel is preached, unless God draws them.  We want to see the Kingdom of God increase numerically and within the hearts of the Lord's people.  But we are often more likely to see the latter, and not the former.

It is disappointing, after weeks of dedicated labour and effort, that no new people come to the Gospel services. However, given the spiritual lethargy that is deeply embedded in our society and culture, this is no great surprise.

But the outreach with the Gospel is not within its results.  Church members are more deeply united than ever before - that's a great spiritual benefit.  The presence of the true Christian Church in the city is better known now than ever - and that's a benefit.  Citizens now know and have met with God's people, and who knows what will come of that meeting!  The spirit of prayerfulness amongst the people is also deepened in their spiritual lives - another great benefit.  The Gospel is being 'preached' by word and letter to people who wouldn't have heard it otherwise - that's evangelism.  Christian members as well as the ministers have the  opportunity to witness in ways that mark an advance for many of them - a benefit.  

I know how disappointing church evangelism can be - I've been there and done it!  But community outreach does something to church members - it edifies and encourages them.  Keep thinking about the real successes you've had already, and encourage your people to look for opportunities for further evangelistic work.  There will be some people who have met a real Christian, perhaps for the first time in their lives, who might well contact you in the days to come.  You have sown the seed of the Gospel - and this seed will grow and produce fruit - and that fruit might just be within your church initially, but not exclusively.  Next year, that seed has to be sown again - following the example and practice of the farmer.  Keep on sowing, and the harvest will come.  It must!  Remember, Paul was proud of the Gospel, why?  Because it "is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes"  (Rom.1:16).  Never forget that! You are handling divine energy!  These were not the pitiable words of a preacher - they were the very words of God, and they are filled with punch, power, and spiritual dynamite.  Keep at it.  Persevere always.  Reaping always follows sowing.  Harvest always follows planting.  

The work of the Gospel is still very much in our prayers, and will continue to be.  Don't let the devil have a hayday with you.  Renounce him in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. You are a bigger man than that because you serve the Almighty God of heaven and earth, and His Son, Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world.  He's your God and Saviour, and remember what Calvin said - GOD MUST WIN.  

Remember also - the first week of your Gospel 'mission' may not always deliver the results you would like to see. You have to be persistent.  Keep knocking the doors.  Mobilise your members to keep on keeping on.  Bring the matter before the Throne of heavenly grace.  THIS IS NOT YOUR WORK!  This is the Lord's work.  He is building His Church.  The gates of hell will not prevail against her!  This is just the first installment of the work.  More is to come, much more.  Look to the future.  You might think your faith is very small and weak - don't we all; but it is placed in the right Person.  That's what counts.  You are looking to the sole King and Head of the church to do His great work of mission in needy [wherever]. Don't underestimate what is happening.  Remember the work of the Spirit is often hidden.  But that doesn't mean it is not going forward.  And these "secret things belong to the Lord," (Dt.29:29).

Didn't you and your people preach and share the Gospel with many more people than attend your services?  Of course, you did.  Rejoice in that.  You have 'cast your bread upon the waters' and after many days [perhaps], you will find it (Eccles.11:2).  The kingdom of darkness has been hit hard by the presence and witness of Christ's redeemed people acting as salt and light in that benighted city.  Satan will kick back, have no fear about that.  But he's a defeated enemy, fatally destroyed at Calvary and sealed at the resurrection.  What we are seeing are the dying kicks of the old enemy, satan (he's not deserving of a capital letter in his name). Keep up your defiance of him and your implicit trust in Christ.  And He will win the day.

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