A solemn message from
Dr Alan C. Clifford
(Norwich Reformed Church)
In pursuing so-called ‘same-sex’
marriage, the UK - along with the USA and the decadent Western world in
general - is only a short step from disaster...
If it becomes law, the wrath of Almighty God is unavoidable...
true marriage, family cohesion and the welfare of children are under
attack as never before, our hitherto Christian-based civilization is on
the path to extinction...
Nation’s religious apostasy is reaching new depths. The Archbishop of
Canterbury and Her Majesty the Queen have capitulated before the
sodomite tsunami. The former has failed to ‘drive away’ the ‘erroneous
and strange doctrine’ of homosexual union ‘contrary to God’s Word’ (Book of Common Prayer).
If the Archbishop was only ‘irritated’ by the Wonga fiasco, he should have been ‘furious’ over Government-promoted sodomy...
By giving the Royal Assent to the Same Sex Marriage
Bill, the Queen has broken her Coronation Oath to defend and uphold the
Nation’s Bible-based values. During the recent Coronation Thanksgiving
Service at Westminster Abbey, the Archbishop failed to remind the Queen
of Her Majesty’s religious obligations as Head of State and Supreme
Governor of the Church of England.
Clergy and
people of the Church of England (especially the so-called Evangelicals)
who fail to challenge the Archbishop and the Queen are complicit in this
abominable wickedness if they simply continue passively to accept the
appalling so-called ‘sexual revolution’.
Christians of other denominations are no less guilty if they remain silent...
A greater threat than Islam is our own moral implosion...
We must repent or be ruined...
How does 'gay' sexual perversion become
popular? The Prophet Ezekiel told us long ago when he explained why God
punished the Jews with exile in Babylon in 597 BC. After centuries of
growing religious and moral decline, they had become worse than the
wicked Sodomites:
“As I live,”
says the Lord GOD, “neither your sister Sodom nor her daughters have
done as you and your daughters have done. Look, this was the iniquity of
your sister Sodom: She and her daughter had pride, fulness of food, and
abundance of idleness; neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor
and needy. And they were haughty and committed abomination before me;
therefore I took them away as I saw fit” (Ezekiel 16: 48-50).
The great Genevan Protestant Reformer John Calvin (1509-64) commented:
While Moses explains the most filthy crime which reigned in Sodom (see Genesis 19), we must nevertheless remember what Ezekiel teaches, that the men of Sodom did not fall at once into such terrible wickedness; but that, in the beginning, luxury from the fulness of bread prevailed, and that afterwards, pride and cruelty followed. At length, when they were given up to [immorality], they were also driven headlong into brutal lusts. Therefore, if we dread this extreme of inordinate passion, let us cultivate temperance and frugality; and let us always fear, lest [an over-abundance] of food should impel us to luxury; lest our minds should be infected with pride on account of our wealth, and lest delicacies should tempt us to give the reins to our lusts.
how can we restore the proper norms of correctly-defined marriage and
valid sexuality? Only by heeding this practical wisdom and rejecting
today's ‘PC’ do-as-you-please pluralism. In short, we must return to
‘Bible basics’!
Ultimately, our only hope is the saving and sanctifying grace of God in Jesus Christ...
A brief sermon extract from a famous Welsh Methodist preacher sets out our only hope...
The truth he speaks is eternal...
I come to you, a neighbour of yours, and a friend well known; for I have seen the deluge of the wrath of God coming upon the world, and I am here to warn you in time. A boy on the streets of Sodom ran wildly for his father’s house, saying, ‘The shower of fire is come, for a spark fell at my side, until my clothes nearly caught fire. Is there any way of escape?’
Though the warning came to Sodom, it was too late. But I have come here in behalf of my God to apprise you of it in time. I have seen the shower of brimstone, a live spark of it fell upon my guilty conscience, until I became almost all aflame. But I know to-day of a place of refuge, and there is time for you to flee there too.
O Lord my God, may this people flee to Thee! Let us flee to Calvary—‘And a man shall be as an hiding place from the wind, and a covert from the tempest; as rivers of water in a dry place, as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land’ [Isa. 32: 2].
John Jones, Talsarn (1796-1857)
subjects of Her Majesty who continue to revel in excessive excitement
over the birth of a prince, should reflect upon the pseudo-marital
decadence now endorsed by the head of the House of Windsor...
After Her
Majesty’s admirable Christmas broadcast of 2012, one might have expected
her to refuse to give the Royal Assent to anti-Christian perversion.
How sad that her convictions were too weak to withstand Her Government‘s
evil policy...
‘It is an abomination for [monarchs] to commit wickedness, for a throne is established by righteousness’ (Proverbs 16: 12).
complicity in surrendering our National Sovereignty, the Queen has now
added betrayal of the Christian foundation of our religious and moral
The Welsh Methodist preacher quoted above was a ‘commoner’ who was truly worthy of the ‘royal’ adulation he received...
As my new biography makes clear, this amazing
Christian minister was called “The preacher of the people.” As an
example of his popularity, consider the welcome he received when
visiting the populous mining districts of South Wales:
As soon as they heard of his approach, the people would flock to the doors of their houses in hundreds; the workmen would for the time leave their work, and the women, with babies on their arms, and the little children, would stand on the sides of the streets to watch the great orator of Talysarn passing; just as they would have done if a king or a queen had gone that way...
‘King John’, you are needed in these perilous times...