Friday, 26 July 2013


A solemn message from 
Dr Alan C. Clifford 
(Norwich Reformed Church)

In pursuing so-called ‘same-sex’ marriage, the UK - along with the USA and the decadent Western world in general - is only a short step from disaster...

If it becomes law, the wrath of Almighty God is unavoidable...

Since true marriage, family cohesion and the welfare of children are under attack as never before, our hitherto Christian-based civilization is on the path to extinction... 


The Nation’s religious apostasy is reaching new depths.  The Archbishop of Canterbury and Her Majesty the Queen have capitulated before the sodomite tsunami. The former has failed to ‘drive away’ the ‘erroneous and strange doctrine’ of homosexual union ‘contrary to God’s Word’ (Book of Common Prayer). 

If the Archbishop was only ‘irritated’ by the Wonga fiasco, he should have been ‘furious’ over Government-promoted sodomy...

By giving the Royal Assent to the Same Sex Marriage Bill, the Queen has broken her Coronation Oath to defend and uphold the Nation’s Bible-based values. During the recent Coronation Thanksgiving Service at Westminster Abbey, the Archbishop failed to remind the Queen of Her Majesty’s religious obligations as Head of State and Supreme Governor of the Church of England.

Clergy and people of the Church of England (especially the so-called Evangelicals) who fail to challenge the Archbishop and the Queen are complicit in this abominable wickedness if they simply continue passively to accept the appalling so-called ‘sexual revolution’. 

Christians of other denominations are no less guilty if they remain silent...

A greater threat than Islam is our own moral implosion...

We must repent or be ruined...


How does 'gay' sexual perversion become popular? The Prophet Ezekiel told us long ago when he explained why God punished the Jews with exile in Babylon in 597 BC.  After centuries of growing religious and moral decline, they had become worse than the wicked Sodomites:

“As I live,” says the Lord GOD, “neither your sister Sodom nor her daughters have done as you and your daughters have done. Look, this was the iniquity of your sister Sodom: She and her daughter had pride, fulness of food, and abundance of idleness; neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. And they were haughty and committed abomination before me; therefore I took them away as I saw fit” (Ezekiel 16: 48-50).

The great Genevan Protestant Reformer John Calvin (1509-64) commented:

While Moses explains the most filthy crime which reigned in Sodom (see Genesis 19), we must nevertheless remember what Ezekiel teaches, that the men of Sodom did not fall at once into such terrible wickedness; but that, in the beginning, luxury from the fulness of bread prevailed, and that afterwards, pride and cruelty followed. At length, when they were given up to [immorality], they were also driven headlong into brutal lusts. Therefore, if we dread this extreme of inordinate passion, let us cultivate temperance and frugality; and let us always fear, lest [an over-abundance] of food should impel us to luxury; lest our minds should be infected with pride on account of our wealth, and lest delicacies should tempt us to give the reins to our lusts.

So how can we restore the proper norms of correctly-defined marriage and valid sexuality? Only by heeding this practical wisdom and rejecting today's ‘PC’ do-as-you-please pluralism. In short, we must return to ‘Bible basics’!

Ultimately, our only hope is the saving and sanctifying grace of God in Jesus Christ...

A brief sermon extract from a famous Welsh Methodist preacher sets out our only hope...

The truth he speaks is eternal...


I come to you, a neighbour of yours, and a friend well known; for I have seen the deluge of the wrath of God coming upon the world, and I am here to warn you in time. A boy on the streets of Sodom ran wildly for his father’s house, saying, ‘The shower of fire is come, for a spark fell at my side, until my clothes nearly caught fire. Is there any way of escape?’ 

Though the warning came to Sodom, it was too late. But I have come here in behalf of my God to apprise you of it in time. I have seen the shower of brimstone, a live spark of it fell upon my guilty conscience, until I became almost all aflame. But I know to-day of a place of refuge, and there is time for you to flee there too. 

O Lord my God, may this people flee to Thee! Let us flee to Calvary—‘And a man shall be as an hiding place from the wind, and a covert from the tempest; as rivers of water in a dry place, as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land’ [Isa. 32: 2].

John Jones, Talsarn (1796-1857)

Cowardly subjects of Her Majesty who continue to revel in excessive excitement over the birth of a prince, should reflect upon the pseudo-marital decadence now endorsed by the head of the House of Windsor...

After Her Majesty’s admirable Christmas broadcast of 2012, one might have expected her to refuse to give the Royal Assent to anti-Christian perversion. How sad that her convictions were too weak to withstand Her Government‘s evil policy...


‘It is an abomination for [monarchs] to commit wickedness, for a throne is established by righteousness’ (Proverbs 16: 12).

To complicity in surrendering our National Sovereignty, the Queen has now added betrayal of the Christian foundation of our religious and moral identity.

The Welsh Methodist preacher quoted above was a ‘commoner’ who was truly worthy of the ‘royal’ adulation he received...

As my new biography makes clear, this amazing Christian minister was called “The preacher of the people.” As an example of his popularity, consider the welcome he received when visiting the populous mining districts of South Wales: 

As soon as they heard of his approach, the people would flock to the doors of their houses in hundreds; the workmen would for the time leave their work, and the women, with babies on their arms, and the little children, would stand on the sides of the streets to watch the great orator of Talysarn passing; just as they would have done if a king or a queen had gone that way...

‘King John’, you are needed in these perilous times...

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Bethany and Westbank Children's Homes

In light of current news in Northern Ireland, the following post by Michael Copeland MLA has taken on a relevance that cannot be missed.  Please read this and then ask questions of the churches to which you belong, if they were involved in supporting such homes of abuse.

Michael Stewart Copeland updated his status: "We welcome moves to include Westbank Orphanage, Greystones, in inquiries into institutional abuse in Northern Ireland. Children from Westbank were trafficked illegally over the border and placed with unregistered foster carers. Children in the home and in fostering arrangements suffered physical, emotional and/or sexual abuse. The orphanage was unique in that children were hardly if ever adopted. Some 'children' remained in the home into their early thirties. The orphanage appears to have operated without proper supervision from the 1950s until it closed in 1998. In 2011 residential records were removed from the PACT counselling service by the Trustees of Westbank in Bray Gospel Hall. Children whose mothers were from Northern Ireland gave birth in Dublin's Bethany Home, Rathgar, before being transferred to Westbank Home. Bethany Home should, therefore, also be included in the NI process. 219 Bethany children are buried in unmarked graves in Mount Jerome Cemetery in Dublin, while many who survived suffered lifelong illnesses and/or were sent into dysfunctional and abusive situations (including Westbank). Derek Leinster is one of those children. The state sanctioned neglect and death in Bethany when the Deputy Chief Medical Adviser, who was investigating reported abuse, stated in his report, 'It is well known that illegitimate children are delicate and marasmic'. ('Marasmic' is another word for starving). Mothers of three of the undersigned had children born in the Bethany Home. Sydney in 1964 and Colm in 1967 were sent to Westbank. They were sent back and forth over the border, sometimes on fundraising trips to perform for church groups. Sydney's mother was from Northern Ireland. Three of her children were sent to Westbank, one of whom was born in Bethany. Colm's mother gave birth to two children in Bethany who were sent to Westbank. As it was policy in Westbank, children were not told their siblings were also there. A number of religious denominations large and small, from the Church of Ireland to Presbyterians, Methodists, Free Presbyterians, Baptists, Plymouth Brethren, gospel halls, and the Orange Order, were involved in directing unmarried mothers to, and/or raising funds for, Bethany and Westbank. This diffuse association makes it possible for churches to deny specific responsibility for what went on in institutions run by evangelical Christians. Leaders of the CofI, Presbyterian and Methodist congregations twice met privately to discuss Bethany, but did not issue a statement. The Minister for Justice, Alan Shatter, has given written commitments to TDs and MLAs from the Democratic Unionist Party, the Unionist Party, the Labour Party and from Sinn Fein, to do something, sometime, about demands of former Bethany children for official recognition and for justice. Bethany and Westbank operated in the Republic of Ireland. Perhaps an inquiry into their activities will begin in Belfast while Justice delays in Dublin."

Preaching Degraded

Dr W. A. Criswell rightly says, "Preaching is increasingly looked upon disparagingly; they (i.e., church members) just 'put up with it.'" What has caused this situation to develop? Criswell thinks that the preacher himself has caused it. Instead of preaching the Gospel, instead of expounding the Word, instead of saying, 'Thus says the Lord,' the preacher began preaching psychology, and sociology, economic and civic amelioration. The time was when preachers proclaimed the Gospel; but now they preach sociological life situation sermons that have left the church anaemic. They preach sermons that make their congregations 'feel good' afterwards. The modern Gospel is a watered-down version of the real thing. You would travel far today to hear sermons that grip their hearers and cause them to think very deeply about their spiritual condition. Much preaching is pathetic, woeful, disappointing to some who hear it. But what must it do to God Whose Gospel it is they are supposed to be preaching! They are set apart to be His ambassadors, bringing to the people exactly what He wants them to hear.

Criswell also sees the training of preachers in modern seminaries and theological colleges as being at fault in this very thing. But there is a problem here. Just because a candidate for the post of lecturer or professor of practical theology holds a doctorate does not mean that he is a fit man to hold this position. Is he a preacher? And is he a preacher of the glorious Gospel? What are his gifts in this regard? Does he know how to preach gripping Gospel sermons? Is his own soul on fire for the Gospel? 

If not, how can such a man train ministerial candidates to be Gospel preachers? The students have nothing to model themselves on. This man cannot convey to the next generation of preachers what it is to Preach Christ and His crucified if is does not or cannot preach Christ himself!

I fear that within evangelical circles, there has been a serious move away from the systematic exposition of whole chunks of the Bible, and preachers have adopted a method of textual preaching instead. Now I would be the last to deny that such methodology has been greatly used of God in the past. One just has to mention the name of Spurgeon to prove the point. Yet I think that the practice of Spurgeon has had a detrimental effect upon the pulpits of the Church, as men have tried to emulate the Prince of Preachers, and have failed. Textual preaching, coupled with the desire to draw the crowds, has enticed men to reduce to a respectable minimum the biblical and doctrinal content of their sermons, and have compromised their whole ministries thereby. 

Thus preaching has been degraded by both the preachers themselves and by those who trained then to be preachers.

Monday, 22 July 2013

Man Without a Calling

William William of Pantycelyn, the great Welsh Calvinistic Methodist preacher and poet and hymn-writer, wrote the Welsh Christian classic Theomemphus, and towards the end of that very long poem (some 22 chapters), he penned these unforgettable and challenging lines:

But man without a calling, who is a wolf inside, 
Will take the shepherd's wages, but not the flock provide.

These deeply challenging words will repay deep and prolonged study and meditation. How many mere hirelings there are in the church of Christ! How many there are who use the Christina ministry, that most holy and highest of callings on earth, as a cover for promoting their own real interests! How many use it as cover for promoting of their own ambitions! How may use it as a means to promote their own business interests! Alas, how many use it as the means of feathering their own nests, while caring nothing for the flock over which Christ has made them overseers! Part-time ministers! Part-time under-shepherds! Yet, the sheep are left to their own devices. But, and here's the BUT,

But man without a calling, who is a wolf inside, 
Will take the shepherd's wages, but not the flock provide.

They take the salary each month, but use that pay to further their own selfish interests, not care for the flock.

Is it any wonder the church is in the state it's in just now? Ministers need urgently to review the reality of their calling before they take another penny from the church that called them.