Sunday 16 December 2012

Because He Lives

The words of a beautiful Gospel hymn have been with me for the past days: “Because He lives, I can face tomorrow; because He lives, all fear is gone.”  

What a wonderful truth is the truth of the literal, physical, resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.  He is alive and is alive forevermore.  His resurrection means that death and the grave have lost their power and sting.  That greatest miracle the world has ever witnessed means that death, for the believer, is the means of entry into God’s nearer presence.  It is a move from this old sinful world and into God’s pure heaven.  There, all pain and suffering and tears are gone; all darkness expelled and all that offends our Saviour obliterated.  It is where God lives and reigns.  And that calls for a good reformed ‘Hallelujah’!

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