Sunday 16 December 2012

Satan Hates Believers

This is true!  The devil hates God's children!  He is out to devour them.  He wants to discourage them big time.

My wife and I are finding this just now.  She was being attacked in her mind by the devil in recent days.  On Thursday, 13th Dec 2012, she was feeling a bit sickly and unwell.  But  she was exposed to attack after attack from Satan. This came in the form of doubts; she is to have more treatment and the evil one said to her that she will never make it.  So bad was it that she thought she was going to take heart attack.  She thought she was losing her mind.  It is also interesting that this has happened to her after each time she witnessed to Christ.  These devilish attacks have pounded her.

Let me give you another little incentive to pray.  Also this week, my wife came under another strange satanic attack.  He tormented her all afternoon, and refused to relent.  That is, until about tea-time when she experienced a lifting of her burden, and the rest of the evening was great.  

Why did this happen?  Because someone, somewhere, perhaps one of you, had been praying for her at that moment.  It may have been a Christian friend in Northern Ireland, or England or in far away places like India or Panama.  Someone unknown to us had uplifted her in prayer, and God answered.

That's the kind of God He is; and that's the kind of God and Father we have.  We can trust Him implicitly.

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