Sunday, 20 November 2011

Empty Words Pervert the Truth!

Through Jeremiah, God spoke to Israel about falsehood and exploration.  Even writing these words in the context of the people of God is somewhat incongruous, and unnatural.  But it is a fact of life within the people of God, and one that is ignored to its detriment.

These are sins that are linked with our words.  Precious biblical words have been seriously devalued by the church, and it is no surprise that this generation is not most impatient with god-words, to the point that it has jettisoned them altogether.  And who can blame them!

The sad outcome of that is that many people outside and inside the church are looking to the world for help and support.  This happened in Jeremiah's day, as it is doing in our own.  In his day, the people of God looked to other heather nations for help and protection when things were going against Israel. 

The church of today is no different.  From where does she get her inspiration in the realm of worship?  From the pop charts!  She goes directly to the world for guidance, for content, for methodology.  To the world!  And when this is imported into the Christian church, she is denigrated in herself, and actually perverted the truth of God!

Here is the reason why the church is as irrelevant as she is to many people today.  if she does not stand squarely on the truth if the Gospel, she is an irrelevance!  And rightly so!  Ambivalence towards THE TRUTH is a common-place in much Western church life.  The ready acceptance of theological liberalism by the churches is the efficient cause of her emptiness.  The willingness of evangelical ministers to work happily and side-by-side with anti-Gospel ministers is a damning commentary on where these churches and ministers are.  Their defense is that provided all ministers and elders subscribe to an agreed set of words - words! - they will be accepted by evangelicals as bona fide ministers of the Gospel.  How utterly ridiculous!  It is all about 'words' again!

No wonder she knows no power in her life!  And whence cometh this? From the acceptance wholesale of the synthesis of Hegel.  He taught that there is no such thing as opposites, theological or otherwise.  Truth and error are just two legitimate ways of looking at the same data.  You see it your way and I see it in mine.  There is no right, therefore its opposite does not exist.  There is no light, therefore its opposite does not exist. There is no God therefore the opposite does not exist.  In the modern church there is no antithesis, no negatives, no wrath, no judgement, do eternal damnation, NOTHING!  The church today is like a battery with only one pole - the positive; such a battery cannot exist, therefore to talk of it kike this is a nonsense.  But that is precisely the position of the church today - she is regarded as a nonsense by many within her and by multitudes outside her.

It is surely time for the church to either put biblical content into her God-words, or else to have done with them for good.  She cannot go on playing  this game called church.  Time has been called.  What will she do?

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