Monday 7 November 2011

Targeted by the Devil.

This has been one of those days that I would sooner forget!  There was an awful attack of the evil one against me, which left me with a sore stomach, feeling low, conscious of an enemy attack.  They come, you know.  And they're fierce.  Satan, like Jesus, knows our every weakness.  He knows when we are vulnerable.  He knows how to attack us at our weakest point. 

But he's a defeated enemy. And defeated enemies know they are defeated because their power base is small.  They no longer have any authority over people, even though they still attack them.  They show their teeth from time to time. But they are defeated.  Did you know that they only place where politicians put the enemy they claim to have defeated into government, is in Northern Ireland?  And we are sending emissaries out to other countries to tell them to do the same. 

God hasn't done that to Satan, has He?  He has banished him forever.  Satan does not rule in God's Kingdom. He has no place in His realm.  His true place is the bottomless pit - HELL.

And the moment you realise that truth, that moment the freedom comes.  We are liberated afresh. By that Imean that we realsie that we are the liberated children of God. Hallelujah!

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