Friday 9 December 2011

The Book of Origins

Genesis is the Book of Origins - the origin of the universe, the origin of life and of man, the origin of sin and rebellion against God.  It places man in his cosmic setting, and shows his particular uniqueness; it also explains his wonder and his flaw.  Also, it begins to trace the flow of human history through space and time.

The sad reality today is that many no longer believe this.  Rather, they see it as a books of myths, unhistorical and unscientific, useful for understanding how the Hebrew mind sees things, but it certainly not a record of what really happened in the beginning." 

Did God create the universe out of nothing, by the word of His power?  Is man the divine image-bearer on earth? Did the Fall of man into sin and rebellion against God really happen?  If Genesis just a myth, like the Babylonian genesis or the Gilgamesh Epic?  Is it really the kind of nonsense that educated and cultured 21st century man does not believe?

What are your thoughts on this?

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