Sunday 18 December 2011

Christmas Resolves Life's Emptiness.

Dr John "Rabbi" Duncan was born in Aberdeen at the end of the eighteenth century, the son of a shoemaker. He was brought up in a Christian home by his parents, John and Ann, being the only remaining child of the marriage.  His mum died when he was just 5 or 6.  He was sent to grammar school, and then moved on to university where he engaged in a philosophical search.  And the result?  He discovered a godless humanity.  Man without God is a godless spectacle that is to be pitied.  He is lost, not knowing who or what he is, what purpose he is, or what the future holds for him. 

This is true of mankind without Christ.  He is heading for the rocks, for shipwreck, and is going to be dashed against the Rock, Christ Jesus, on the great and terrible Day of Judgement.

Man without Christ is like other beasts - living for himself, and for nothing higher than going through the degrading sameness of natural wants and daily supplies.  He was born to eat and drink and digest, and then die.

If that is all you have to look forward to, then Christmas time will give you pause to reconsider your life and were it is heading to.  Christ came into the world to save the human race, and that includes you.  He came to give life, not destroy it.  He came to fulfil, not to destroy.  He came to give life more abundant and life that is real.

Do you know this life?  Remember, Christmas is not a festival; it is an experience.  To truly observe Christian, or the birth of Christ, then you must receive Him into your heart.  He must be born in your heart spiritually, just as He was born in a stable long ago.  He must come and live permanently within your soul, for you to experience the real meaning of Christmas.

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