Tuesday 24 January 2012

Lloyd-Jones - The Twentieth Century Baxter.

There is great confusion, proffered mainly by his friends, over the theological orientation of Dr D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones.  To many, he is a convinced Owenite, or follower of Dr John Owen.  To the undiscerning, he believed and preached the doctrine of limited atonement, because to be truly reformed you must believe in and declare the doctrine of limited atonement.  Not so for Lloyd-Jones, as my book makes abundantly clear.

Others believed that the Doctor did not hold that Christ died for all men without exception, and are convinced that because his books were published in the main by the reformed publishing houses, he did not preach a Gospel that has relevance for all men.  But he did!.

Still others thought that Lloyd-Jones held that Christ did not die for all, despite his frequent quoting of Heb.2:9.  He believed and preached that Christ is the Saviour of the world, that He died for all humanity, for mankind, and for the human race.

If you question these assertions, then please get my book on Dr D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones at this website. At least half of the entire book is a listing of all the quotations that I could find in his evangelistic sermons published to date.

Lloyd-Jones was Baxterian through and through so far as his soteriology, or doctrine of the atonement, is concerned.  And Baxter followed Calvin and Amyraut; so, therefore, do Dr Lloyd-Jones.

But don't take my word for it.  Get my book and check out the references for yourself. You'll be glad you did.

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