Thursday, 31 May 2012

Re-Defining Marriage?

The UK government is currently involved in a consultation to 'discover' the mind of UK citizens on the issue of re-defining marriage.  This appears to be a massive concession to the gay/lesbian/trans-sexual/bi-sexual lobby, and a drive to secure votes at the next general election.

In nature, this is immoral, and is nothing short of the promotion of sodomy.

This is the road to Nowhere.  Before we as a nation embark on the legalisation of sodomy, we ought to stop and think seriously about why this is being proposed, who is behind it and what the potential negative effects of such a move would be.  Government promises are not persuasive that Christian churches will be protected in the future against prosecution because currently Christian  businesses can be prosecuted for non-compliance with laws that are contrary to God's law, Christian churches can be deprived the use of Council premises for their worship services, (Norwich) and Christian parents are currently open to all kinds of accusations of abuse of their children.  So protection of the Christian faith is not guaranteed by this proposed change in legislation, despite government protestations to the contrary. 

Children are much better off being brought up in a stable family with father and mother; they do better educationally and are better adapted to society as a whole.  For children to know who their father and mother are is a tremendous blessing, as those who do not know their father will tell you.

Marriage is the union of one man and one woman for life.  Only this makes is a matter not to be entered into lightly, and emphasises that it is a permanent arrangement that can only be broken at great cost.

UK readers of this post are strongly encouraged to support The Coalition For Marriage petition. 


Rio said...

You has a great blog. I'm very interesting to stopping here and leaves you a comment. Good work.

Lets keep writing and share your information to us.

Nb: Dont forget to leave your comment back for us.

Hazlett Lynch said...

Hi Rio. Thank you for your comment. Our nation is taking deliberate steps that are designed to wreck utterly our people. By re-defining marriage, our politicians are setting up our nation for the outpouring of God's wrath and judgement. By separating it from its Judeo-Christian roots our leaders are bringing about the further disintegration of our entire society.