Tuesday, 19 June 2012

'Kids' or Children?

Have you discovered that many Christians are now referring to children as 'kids'?  How many 'kids' have you?  What does the church run for the 'kids'?  Are the meetings for 'kids'?

They have obviously not been told this, but I am taking it upon myself to tell readers, and would ask them to pass this information on, that 'kids' are the offspring of goats!  Christians do not have 'kids' but children, children of the covenant, children with innumerable privileges that other children do not have.  They are taught the Scriptures and the Gospel, are provided with access to the means of grace, are shown what Christian believe and how they live, have opportunities to see Christianity at close hand, can enjoy fellowship with other Christians, etc.  These are the children of believers, not their 'kids.'

So when you hear someone else, Christiuan or non-Christian referring to children as 'kids,' then just gently remind them that they ought to refer to children as 'children, and not as the offspring of goats.

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