Sunday 9 September 2012

The Worship of God

We went to church this morning desiring to meet with God, but were profoundly disappointed.  This is obviously what Satan wants for us.  The musical performances robbed us of the opportunity to worship the Lord at a time when we dearly wanted to come submissively before Him. 

I do not wish to turn you or your church away from your convictions about what constitutes worship; all I want to know is if the evening service will be a repeat of this morning's service. 

Further, we were hoping to invite XXXX to come with us next Sunday morning, and will do so only if we can be assured that we are going there to worship the Lord, not be exposed to musical performances of any kind.  There are plenty of theatres for people with musical talent to exhibit their not inconsiderable talents.

As you may have seen from my blog, my convictions about biblical worship runs contrary to the worldly worship that many evangelical churches have adopted.  It is sad to witness the 'downgrade' that is being promoted in many churches today.

It pains me deeply to write this to you.  While we attended XXX XXX, we thought that the good preaching would have more than compensated for the worldly worship that goes on there, and supported by the minister.  It didn't.  We came away from the services deeply upset in heart and head about what we had experienced.  Too many services were lost to us because the worldly worship overtook and undermined the message.  We will not allow this to happen to us again.

One of our reasons for going to church is to be supported by God's grace and presence; and we have never needed this more than now.  Anything less is insufficient.

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