Tuesday, 27 November 2012

DML-J - Biblical Theologian

DML-J was pre-eminently a biblical theologian rather than a systematic theologian, like his mentor, John Calvin.[1]  In the 1952-1955 years of his Westminster ministry, he delivered his Friday night lectures on the great doctrines of the Bible, but, as stated in the preface to his book which emerged from his lectures on biblical doctrine, he came to the conclusion that it is better  to learn and to teach Christian doctrine “as a part of the regular exposition”[2] of the text of Scripture, hence his change of methodology to one in which he worked his way systematically through the text of Paul’s letter to the Romans which commenced in 1955 and continued until his enforced retirement due to ill-health in 1968, when he reached Rom.14:17.  This decision also explains the sermonic form of these Romans messages.[3] 

DML-J’s theology is fundamentally and essentially evangelistic.  It is Gospel-centred and Gospel-focused.  His evangelistic preaching is drawn out of the Gospel as revealed in the Old and New Testaments.  Like his mentor, John Calvin, DML-J held as axiomatic the truth of Deut.29:29,

The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but those things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law.
In this verse, God’s single will is revealed in a dualistic manner; his hidden will is inaccessible to fallen human minds, inscrutable to human thought processes, and embedded deeply within the eternal divine purpose.  His revealed will, on the other hand, is that which is made known in the Gospel, can be accessed by men, declares God’s revealed will for mankind (including the salvation of the human race), and makes salvation certain to everyone who repents of his sin and trusts in the Lord Jesus Christ as his Saviour. 

[1]    Peterson, 1999:10.
[2]    God the Father, Preface.
[3]    Ibid.

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