Friday 16 November 2012

Living Daylights

There is one thing in all the universe that is designed to scare the living daylights out of you and that's the wrath of God poured out on your sin.  No one has ever yet been that scared, but on that dreaded day, that fright will have reached its zenith. 

When an unsaved sinner stands before the thrice holy God - as he will do - he will then know what it is to be afraid, terrified and horrified.  When the all-seeing eye of God focuses on your sin, you will melt into nothingness without going out of existence.  When God parades all your doing, especially that done in secret, before the entire universe and the holy angels, you will know what it is to be afraid.  When all your evil doing are placarded before the world, then you will know shame really is.

That's very bad news, isn't it?  There's not much comfort in that, is there?  There's nothing in what you have written that has given us a 'feel good factor.'  It's all bad news.

But there is good news in all this.  And that good news is found only in the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Yes, the wrath of God has been revealed from the most unlikely of places - from heaven - against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness, (Rom.1:18).  God has made known what He thinks of your sin - He hates it and must punish it.  That scares the living daylights out of me to just think of that. 

Yet, and here's the really good news, God sent His only Son into the world to be the world's Saviour.  Christ died on Calvary because "God has laid on Him the iniquity of us all," (Isa.53:6).  He now offers a real salvation to all mankind, and "whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."

Have you called on God for mercy?  Have you seen your utter sinfulness in His sight?  Do you realise that you stink in His holy nostrils?  Are you aware that God hates you will a perfect hatred, yet loves you in Christ?  Can you hear His voice calling you to turn from your sins and trust the only Redeemer of the world, Jesus Christ? 

He is calling?  Are you listening?  Have you trusted Christ alone for your eternal salvation? 

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