Tuesday 12 February 2013

Facing Cancer As A Christian

When faced with the reality of cancer, certain matters become very big issues.  Christian cancer sufferers and their spouses have their minds focused mainly on spiritual issues – their own and their families – but not exclusively.  Cancer forces one to face one reality in this life - death.  That same reality makes them think about their unsaved family members.  It is not unknown for the tears to flow when listening to the Gospel and thinking about those we love deeply and who are not saved.  Hearts break at the thought of loved ones being eternally lost and eternally separated from God and from us.  The Christian sufferer knows that they will be alright, but they cannot imagine the eternal lostness of those they love dearly.  The family circle broken for all eternity is an unbearable thought.

Add to this the fight against deathly cancer, and the pressures mount.  Even having the assurance of God’s gracious presence with us does not reduce the concern we have for lost loved-ones.  In fact, it intensifies it. 
Yet God’s sovereign and saving grace in Christ Jesus is our bedrock.  He sustains us throughout.  When we consider the numerous attempts that have been to destroy me/us, with the devil using varied means to achieve this, by God’s grace alone, I/we have survived – and rejoice!  “How good is the God we adore?” 
Indeed, I walked to church this morning – as I normally do – and it was lovely.  The way back was different.  I was soaked to the skin from the waist down as I returned singing the praises of the Lord for His goodness.  Not even heavy winter showers can dampen the praises of God’s children.  He is so good to us. 

My friends, stick close to Christ at all times and at all costs.  He is faithful and He will give you the victory over all that the world, the flesh and the devil will throw at you.  How they try to trip us up, often when we least expect it.  He works in our thoughts, and we imagine that our thoughts are just that – our thoughts; until we find ourselves being drawn down a road that we know we ought not to go down, yet Satan makes it so appealing that we go down that forbidden road.  Then we recognise the true origin of ‘our thoughts.’  They are from the devil, Satan.  These thoughts have come in from the outside, so they are not your thoughts at all; they cause you to question your salvation, so they are not your thoughts.  They come from the devil.  So drive them out of your mind and completely disown them.  

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