Wednesday 25 April 2012

Walking By On The Other Side - Graceless Ministers

The Priests and the Levites haven't gone away, you know!  They are still alive and well within the Christian Church.  They are still doing what they know best; walking by on the other side.  They cannot be seen to be associating with 'the unclean,' or 'the great unwashed.'  No, no.  That would never do.  After all, we are middle class churchmen who work in middle class churches.

"We cannot be seen to associate with 'lesser' mortals.  Just think of the effect that might have on us as individuals, the disgrace, the talk at ministerial fraternals, and also our future.  We have to be careful to endorse whatever the church says and does, be it right ot wrong, if ever we want to become Moderator or Archbishop or President.  Can't mess that one up, can we?

What makes this really astonishing is that many of these men claim not only to believe the doctrines of grace, but preach them.  Yet, they refuse to help the outcasts or have anything to do with them.  They only associate with the pure and perfect.  They have no facility in their hearts to accept the repentant and the forgiven.  Therefore they have no grace!

If pressed, such preachers will admit that they just do not believe in what Paul describes as "Christian, or spiritual, warfare."  There is no devil, no Satan, therefore no such thing as Satanic attacks.  Because there is, in their view, no devil, there can be no such thing as Satanic attack.  That all went out when men came of age.  In the old days when men were not well educated they believed in all this weird spiritual stuff; but not today.  We are educated and clever and sophosticated; we have moved on from there and no longer believe in "spiritual forces of wickedness in high or heavenly places."  Poor Paul; he was a man of his age who did not have the knowledge of psychology that we possess.

Today, everything can be explained by human psychology.  The Bible is outdated."

Now, if you believe in practice any of the above, you must re-examine the foundations of your profession of faith.  You might well have drank in the unfaithfulness of liberal theology, which, I'm sure, many of you were taught at seminary or college.

If you do not believe in the above, then thank God that He has not only saved you but kept you from the destructive influences of all forms of theological liberalism.  That teaching does not believe in the existence of the devil, so it does not believe in a personal devil who attacks and seeks to destroy the children and servants of God.

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