Sunday, 23 November 2008

The Lack of Honesty

One of the things that struck me recently was the lack of honesty that exists among Christians. I would have liked to have got copies of the last 30 years of Moderator's final reports to the General Assembly on how they viewed the spiritual condition of the church (PCI). My impression is, having been to about 15 of these opening meetings, their church (PCI) is much too spiritually healthy in its own eyes; the result: it does not need God to come by His Spirit and mess things up! We sing the words, "Let the fire fall." I ask, what would we do if God were to answer that prayer? How would we respond?

I think this is true of most, if not all, other churches. We are all much too healthy in our own eyes. Probably because we have taken our eye off Christ, the true mirror, and are content to look at our own reflection, and admire what we see!
I think the issue is much larger than the personal, though this is vitally important. Because we belong to connexional churches, is there not a case to be made that as well as personal renewal being needed, denominational renewal/reformation is also required? Personal renewal is our responsibility, but my experience is that trying to renew or reform a congregation or denomination according to the Scriptures is a perilous pathway to tread. Every church does that which is right it its own eyes, therefore, neither needs nor wants any spiritual change.

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