Wednesday 18 January 2012

Calvin and Courage - Under the Cross

Available for download from today, this brand new ebook, written by the author, is long-awaited. Delivered as one of the papers at the Amyraldian Association Annual Conference in Attleborough, Norfolk in Spring 2009, to mark the 500th anniversary of the birth of the reformer fro Geneva, John Calvin (1509-1564), this paper shows a side to Calvin that is not readily known - his warm-heartedness and compassion.  Sadly, some Calvinists, by their attitude, have portrayed Calvin as an ogre, and have painted him in a light that is simply not a true reflection of the man himself. 

This book demonstrates the heart of Calvin in a way that some might not recognise.  Yes, he could be firm when circumstances demanded it, and he was.  Read how he dealt with Michael Servetus, the Catholic heretic who opposed and undermined true doctrine in several aspects such as the doctrine of the Trinity, which he denied, infant baptism of covenant children, etc.  See the reformer's resolution when faced with the violent and immoral Libertines.  But, then, in contrast, see him minister to the young ministerial students who were facing martyrdom at the stake for their faith.

The true Calvin just has to be seen to be appreciated and loved.  It is so sad that Calvin has been misrepresented in the house of his friends, resulting in Christians dismissing the great reformer out of hand.  Visit here and read about a well-balanced Calvin, and your admiration of him will grow by leaps and bounds.

This chapter, contributed by the author, is taken from the book, "John Calvin 500 - A Reformation Affirmation," and is used with permission of the publishers, Charenton Reformed Publishing, Norwich.  If you want to read all seven papers, then visit the publisher's website here.

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