Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Unsent Preachers

In the days of Jeremiah the prophet, we find times that are an exact mirror of our own times.  In the country at large, there is great wickedness; and in the church there is even greater wickedness.

Jeremiah talks authoritatively about prophets who have not been sent by God, therefore do not and cannot preach the Word of God.  Jer.23:21, God says through Jeremiah, "I have not sent these prophets, yet they run."  They are busy day by day on rweligious and church business, but they have not been sent by Me.  They are doing their own thing, and following their own bidding.  How busy they are at their church work.

But what they have not realised is that the God they purport to serve disclaims that He has sent them.  So what on earth are they doing, running when they have not been sent? Who sent them, then?  Did they send themselves?  But that's not 'sending' in any real sense.  Whose will are they doing?  What an uncomfortable issue to face up to.

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