Sunday 13 November 2011

Because There is a Vacuum!

Is it not truly amazing that God walks away from His church!   Do you believe that?  Would you say that God is mighty in His church today?  Is He working in salvation amongst His people?  In many places in the decadent West, there is little sign that God is present with His people.  There is growing evidence that He has walked away from His church.  And when that happens, His absence creates a vacuum.  And you know something scientific about nature and vacuums, don't you?  Nature cannot tolerate a vacuum!  Neither can the Church of Jesus Christ!  When He leaves His church, the one guaranteed thing that will happen is that that vacuum will be filled - by something. 

Now when you see a church resorting to the world in order to fill that vacuum, you will know something serious is wrong.  When you see the worship of God being tampered with by ecclesiastical worldlings, then there is proof that there is a vacuum there that has to be filled.  And when you see those vacuums being filled by the things of the world, then you will also know that there is a problem in the church.

Let me be quite blunt!  When the minister spends his limited and valuable time cracking jokes in a church service, there' a problem.  When you hear in jokes" being passed between minister and select members of the congregation, there's a problem.  When the methods of the world are introduced into church evangelism, there's a problem.  When the world's methods are welcomed into the worship of God - worship groups, bands, leaders, and when worldly songs that glorify man, not God, then there's a problem.  There's a vacuum there that has been created, and it has been filled by the world.

But why has God walked out of His church?  Because she has committed spiritual adultery against Him.  She is spiritually filthy, unclean, tarnished.  She has rejected Him.  She does not want His presence.  She rebels against His Word.  She wants to remain religious yet get as far away from His as possible.  Further, branches of her want to remain evangelical, bit they do not want Him to mess things up within her.

Does that describe YOUR church?  Can you see even the slightest resemblance between this description and your church? Are you concerned about the situation?  or are you so biblical that you believe that God will "never leave us nor forsake us," so regardless of what we see or don't see, He's there anyway? Are we so good at using theology to cover-up our spiritual adultery?  Alas, it appears that we are. 

Brothers and sisters, we need to seek God urgently.  We need to forsake every known sinful way if we want God to return to us.  We must surrender our wills to His will.  We must become Gospel men first and foremost.  We must put Christ and His Gospel first in EVERYTHING. 

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