Saturday 19 November 2011

Fix Your Eyes On Jesus!

...We must not only have an eye to him, but to the Person by whom he is sent.  For although he died when he had finished his race, yet God’s Spirit is immortal.  Whatever happens, we must, for our learning, bear in mind what Paul says here when he speaks to the saints and faithful ones in Jesus Christ.

Although, then, we are not of that time, [country or people], nevertheless seeing it has pleased God to join us with those to whom Paul wrote in his time, let us assure ourselves that it behoves us to be strengthened in the faith which we have received by the gospel, because it was the intention and purpose of the Holy Spirit to exhort to perseverance all those who have the rudiments of the gospel, and are still weak and in need of stronger confirmation.

But let us bear well in mind these words where it is said, ‘the saints and faithful ones in Jesus Christ’. For  Paul shows that all the holiness of men is nothing else but pretence until God has brought them to his own service and dedicated and consecrated them to it by faith.  For we are all unclean by nature, and nothing but infection can come from us.

“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus,” said the writer of Hebrews, and not just on man.  It is necessary for us to be strengthened in the faith which, as Christians, we have received in the Gospel.  This is part of God’s eternal purpose for us, that we might persevere to the end.  Personal weakness and spiritual need still inhabit the hearts of those who know something of the Gospel, and they need to be truly confirmed in their faith by the Holy Spirit Who alone can do this.  No church can do this; only God can!  Feast on the Gospel daily, and grow in grace and knowledge.

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