Monday 31 October 2011

Scripture No Longer Supreme - Does it Really Matter?

The departure from the supremacy of Scripture within evangelicalism church life is in reality , to use Francis Schaeffer's term, an "escape from reason," and a journey which leads to existentialism and on into Barthianism (the name comes from the German neo-orthodox theologian, Dr Karl Barth, whose system, method and content adversely affected the understanding of the Gospel).  That probably explains why so much of religious thinking and preaching is meaningless.  It carries no authority, therefore ever man does that which is right in his own eyes."  For many people, including church people, biblical religion is non-rational.

This might also explain why so many have given up on corporate church life, much of what happens is irrational, meaningless, man-centred, and is about meeting my needs.  May God deliver is from that!

From the relegation of Scripture to a mere subordinate standard for personal and church life, flowed liberalism and Barthianism.  Both of these claim that Christianity is still true even if many of the founding historical events never happened.  This is what the existential outlook produces, and effects both church and society.

evangelical churches today have imbibed this outlook and that's why true spirituality within the churches is at such a low ebb!  In society, drugs, binge drinking, eating disorders of various kinds, social disorder, prostitution and all other forms of sexual perversion; terrorism, international unrest which is now at an unprecedented level, financial downturns and moral meltdown, can all be traced back to the adoption of what is an essentially godless existential outlook.  We see it here, we see it there.  The utter meaninglessness of life is staring us in the face. And the church is powerless to deal with it!  So people have turned back into their own shells, into "personal peace and affluence," as Schaeffer puts it.  This has created a dangerous individuality that undermines community, because each person just gets on with his/her own life, enjoys his/her own pleasures, and ceases to care about anyone else - so long as his/her own security is not threatened. This nasty and barely recognised form of materialism is inimical to the well-being of society.  And the really sad and depressing thing is that the church has no authoritative message to deal with it and turn a godless and unrighteous world back to the Bible and to God.

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