Saturday 5 November 2011

Understanding the Word!

Calvin is abundantly clear on how the Word is to be understood, and teaches us that the plain meaning of the text is the true one.  Beware of those who will try to twist the Gospel and make it say what God never intended it to say.  One very clear example of this is where some clever men try to make Jn,3:16 say that the “world” that God loved is “the world of the elect.” Calvin will have none of it.  Take the plain meaning of the text and trust it!  These men shred the word of God to the own destruction.  But Calvin will not do that!

By reading Calvin, you will be taken straight to the Scriptures, and the Scriptures will lead you directly to Christ.  Don’t imagine that you have to be a scholar to be able to understand the Bible.  God’s Spirit is in every Christian, and He will guide you into all truth. 

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