Saturday 5 November 2011

Repent and Believe the Gospel

I must say something here that is often forgotten.  The call of the Gospel is to repent and believe because of who Christ is, and that one day we will meet him as Judge.  That’s already agreed.  It is not “repent and believe in case you meet him someday and you’ll not be ready.”  Rather, we proclaim that the “divine judgement of all mankind is a Gospel given, a fact, a certainty, and it cannot be avoided.  The Day has been set and the Judge appointed by God.  That’s a tremendous reason for you, we can say to our people, to turn away from your sins and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.  This is going to happen, you are going in that direction, nothing can stop that; therefore repent of your sins and trust the Lord Jesus Christ who alone can save you.”  That is the thrust of our message. 

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