Saturday 5 November 2011

Calvin on Ps.119:1

Now let us come to the contents of the first eight verses, beginning with the first letter Aleph.  “Blessed are the undefiled in the way, Who walk in the law of the Lord!”  First of all, he [wants us here to know] that we understand not wherein our blessedness consists, and the reason is, because we are blind, and do live in the world as savage and wild beasts, utterly void of sense and reason; and suffer ourselves to be led and carried away [by] our brutish and swine-ish affections and lusts.  And because it is so, that we are thus carried away, it is a manifest sign and token that we discern not good from evil.  Or else that the devil has so bewitched us…  True it is that the most wicked will confess and say that they desire to be saved but yet in the desire thereof, they clearly fly from it, and go as clean away from it as they can for their lives.

But what is the cause why they so greatly withdraw themselves from that which they so highly protest to love?  Yes, they draw as near unto it as they can possibly fly from it.  By this it seems that that they have conspired to … make little account of that good which God means to do for them.

Calvin knows human nature well.  We do not know what it is that really blesses us and makes us happy.  Wicked people say, on the one hand, that  they want to be saved, yet on the other, will go as fast as their feet will take them away from where their salvation may be found.  They have agreed together to make light of Christ and His salvation, which God intends for their good.  Let us stay close to, and serve, Christ in Whom alone is our eternal well-being to be found, and serve only Him.  Let us get to know Him better as we study the Word prayerfully.

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